Plain HTML

You can use this option if you are using a website builder like Wix which can only take direct html.

Note: You will need to style the button with your own CSS! !

Note: You will need to update the checkout URL "" with your own that we give you!

	window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
          console.log(`Received message: ${}`);
	  if ( === "closeWinterCheckoutModal") {
             // properly close the winter modal so it can be opened again
   	     document.getElementById("winter-checkout").style.visibility = "hidden";
	     document.getElementById("winter-checkout").style.display = "none";
          } else if ( === 'successfulWinterCheckout') {
            // Successfully checked out. This event contains information 
            // you can use to continue the flow: 
            console.log( // do what you need with the txhash here! 
            console.log( // email that the user bought an NFT with
	function openWinterCheckout () {
		var iframe = document.getElementById("winter-checkout");
		document.body.appendChild(iframe); = "visible";
		document.getElementById("winter-checkout").style.display = "inline";
	document.getElementById("winter-checkout").addEventListener('close', event => {
		var iframe = document.getElementById("winter-checkout"); = "hidden";
<button id="winterCheckout" onclick="openWinterCheckout()">Mint with Card</button>
<iframe id="winter-checkout" src="" style="position: fixed;
top: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
width: 100%;
border: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 999999;
height: 100%;
display: none;" allowtransparency="true" ></iframe>

If you have extra mint params (mint params besides 'address', 'amount', and 'proof') you will need to add the params to the url like so:

// Make sure the key exactly matches the param name provided to us
url += `&extraMintParams=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({a: 1, b: 2}))}`

If you have price function params (mint params besides 'address', 'amount', and 'proof') you will need to add the params to the url like so:

// Make sure the key exactly matches the param name provided to us
url += `&priceFunctionParams=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({tier: 'gold
, type: 'rare'}))}`

If you want to customize the css of the checkout widget you will need to add the "appearance" to the url like so:

url += `&priceFunctionParams=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
        leftBackgroundColor: "#131317",
	rightBackgroundColor: "#22222d",
	buttonTextColor: "black",
	buttonColor: "#f59e0c",
	primaryTextColor: "white",
	secondaryTextColor: "#85868a",
	fontFamily: "Montserrat,sans-serif",
	buttonAndInputBoxShadow: "0 3px 6px 1px rgba(217, 119, 6, 0.2)",
	buttonAndInputFocusBoxShadow: "0 3px 6px 1px rgba(217, 119, 6, 0.8)",
        quantityButtonPlusMinusSvgFilter: "invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(1%) hue-rotate(135deg) brightness(105%) contrast(101%)",
        inputBackgroundColor: "#131317",
        mintingClipLoaderColor: "white",
        borderColor: "rgba(245,158,11)"

Last updated