React (Marketplace)

Insert this typescript component

Install our React component for marketplaces with this command

npm i @usewinter/checkout

🚨Note: Depending on your marketplace's smart contracts, this integration may differ. Please contact us at and we can help you!

Then pass in the contract address and token ID! Copy the code snippet below!

  // optional
  walletAddress={account.isConnected ? account.address : undefined}
  // optional
  // This will be the domain of the marketplace you want to pull the orders from
  orderSource={'','', or '' or any other evm marketplace}
  // This will be the domain of the marketplace you want the order to be fulfilled on
  fillSource={'','', or '' or any other evm marketplace}
  production={process.env.WINTER_ENV == 'production' ? true : false }
  // Language - supports spanish, chinese, chineseT (chinese traditional), japanese, korean, french
  onClose={() => {
  // If you want to customize the css of the checkout widget
        leftBackgroundColor: "#131317",
	rightBackgroundColor: "#22222d",
	buttonTextColor: "black",
	buttonColor: "#f59e0c",
	primaryTextColor: "white",
	secondaryTextColor: "#85868a",
	fontFamily: "Montserrat,sans-serif",
	buttonAndInputBoxShadow: "0 3px 6px 1px rgba(217, 119, 6, 0.2)",
	buttonAndInputFocusBoxShadow: "0 3px 6px 1px rgba(217, 119, 6, 0.8)",
        quantityButtonPlusMinusSvgFilter: "invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(1%) hue-rotate(135deg) brightness(105%) contrast(101%)",
        inputBackgroundColor: "#131317",
        mintingClipLoaderColor: "white",
        borderColor: "rgba(245,158,11)"

Last updated