

See here for an example React integration.


Install Winter's checkout package

npm i @usewinter/checkout


yarn add @usewinter/checkout

Use the component in your React app

import { WinterCheckout } from '@usewinter/checkout';

    // pass in a function to be called when a successful purchase happens
    onSuccess={() => setParty(true)}
    // pass in a function to be called when the modal is closed
    onClose={() => setShowWinter(false)}
    // Extra mint params are params besides 'address, amount, proof'
    // The key needs to exactly match the name of the param provided to Winter
    // The value will be passed in as the param
    extraMintParams={{tier: 'diamond', type: 'super-rare'}}
    // Price function params
    // The key needs to exactly match the name of the param provided to Winter
    // The value will be passed in as the param
    priceFunctionParams={{tier: 'gold', type: 'rare'}}
    // Language - supports spanish, chinese, chineseT (chinese traditional), japanese, korean, french
    // If you want to customize the css of the checkout widget
        leftBackgroundColor: "#131317",
	rightBackgroundColor: "#22222d",
	buttonTextColor: "black",
	buttonColor: "#f59e0c",
	primaryTextColor: "white",
	secondaryTextColor: "#85868a",
	fontFamily: "Montserrat,sans-serif",
	buttonAndInputBoxShadow: "0 3px 6px 1px rgba(217, 119, 6, 0.2)",
	buttonAndInputFocusBoxShadow: "0 3px 6px 1px rgba(217, 119, 6, 0.8)",
        quantityButtonPlusMinusSvgFilter: "invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(1%) hue-rotate(135deg) brightness(105%) contrast(101%)",
        inputBackgroundColor: "#131317",
        mintingClipLoaderColor: "white",
        borderColor: "rgba(245,158,11)"

ProjectId - Get this from the Winter team!

Production - false while testing, true when you go live

showModal - this variable toggles true or false depending on the state of your "Pay with Card" button

Make sure to handle the close modal and post purchase properly. You can find the details here post purchase.

Last updated